Saturday, April 30, 2011


Much needed sleep...

Where else but The Veranda 
Add a few decades, that would be Grandpa.  Minus
a few, that would be Irfan.

End of a Challenge.  Thanks everyone!


Sue said...

congratulations Grandpa! It's been lovely meeting you. I'll drop back after I've had a much needed break. Sue

Grandpa said...

Sue - thank you! Nice meeting you too. You deserve the break after such a well-researched and informative subject you did for the Challenge. You are probably the only one who chose to do comprehensive and continuous posts covering an important topic. I think it has benefited a lot of people. Well-done!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

A-Z went by fast, eh? Really enjoyed all your posts, Grandpa. Guess you'll be taking a well deserved break on the veranda next. I see the deck of UNO cards. Love the game.

Happy weekend, Grandpa.

Ohiofarmgirl said...

ha! here i've been wondering what "z" would be!! i cant believe i didnt guess!

have a glorious day!

thelmaz said...

Congratulations on surviving the Challenge. After visiting all 1282 blogs, a challenge in itself, today I posted the 26 I most enjoyed, including yours. Stop by and see.

Unknown said...

Zzzz.. that's what I need right now...
Ooh, I see UNO in the picture! Always enjoyed that game :-)

Grandpa said...

Joylene, thank you! If I were to have that meter for counting comments you'd probably come out tops, so thank you for that too!
The intention is to take a break, but with blogging you never know...
You have a great weekend Joylene.

Ohiofarmgirl, and you would tie with Joylene there pal!
It was quite a challenge as you know how busy we farmers are, and in my case it coincided with a peak season too, so I think I'll Zzzz for a while...
You have a glorious day too pal.. :)

Grandpa said...

thelmaz, thank you so much - I'll pop over in a bit. Take care.

Rachel, I guess we all need that nap...
My grandson Irfan loves the game and is pretty good at it. They're all too fast for me I'm afraid.
Have a great weekend Rachel.

Aishah said...

Congratulations Grandpa, you did it. I did not get the chance to follow through but I will glance over at some of your older posts to see what titles you have chosen for your letters. I like your zzzz.

Grandpa said...

Aishah, thank you! And thank you for your comments on my earlier posts too (esp for 'X' - I'm flattered!).

I've been wondering about your whereabouts...not seen you on my Dashboard for a while. Hope everything's ok. Take care.

Denise Covey said...

Congrats on finishing the challenge Grandpa. You've made new friends and so many have enjoyed visiting your posts. Yes, we all need a few zzzzzzzzzzzds.


Grandpa said...

Thank you Denise! :) Yes, I do end up making new friends and awesome new followers.
Enjoyed 'traveling' with you too - and you actually visited those wonderful places!
Have a great weekend, and see you later.

Susan Kane said...

Congratulations, Grandpa! Thanks for reading my blog! I will be checking up on you.

Akelamalu said...

Well done on finishing the challenge. :)

Wan Sharif said...

Tumpang gembira.. ZZZzzzz ;)))

David Ebright said...

Awesome - My first visit to your site, so I'll have to catch up on your posts. I'm blogging buddies with Joylene. Hopefully I'll be able to make more time to post more often myself. I did hit the follow button so expect to see me comment from time to time. Good job.

The Manic Chef said...

Hi Grampa! What a lovely and short piece on the final alphabet letter! Short and sweet, and to the point! I'm sorry I missed this challenge, oh well, as the French would say, "c'est la vie"! I don't know if I would have been able to complete it in full. But the Zzzz part of sleeping who would have thought of it for the 'Zed' brilliant! Endearing photo as well, when people are sleeping and look so peaceful and calm, too bad when awake they don't stay that way. Great entry, talk with you soon! Later....

Unknown said...

I looooooove naps. I got used to them in Taiwan, got dependent on them during the baby years, and now am addicted.

Linnea said...

How cute! Even if he's sleeping. I like to play UNO too! Thanks for stopping by. I've been busy and haven't had time to visit many bloggers. Enjoy the week!